Attention to detail in the most sensitive situations
RJN Investigations will reveal the facts to reach just conclusions as quickly and painlessly as possible
Our professional AOE/COE claim investigation teams have earned a reputation of being dedicated to and experienced in determining compensability. Our quality control measures ensure a detailed and fact-based investigation that can be utilized by both the legal and medical fields. Because we are always cost conscious, we make every effort to assign an investigator as near the loss location as possible, reducing mileage and travel time.
Anytime we interview a non-litigated claimant, we provide our client with a HIPAA-compliant medical release and a list of all providers and their addresses. Case updates are accessible via our CaseTrak monitoring system where you can log in to view claimant and witness interviews or related videos. A key feature of our AOE/COE reports is that we outline and bullet point all red flag indicators, assisting the claims professional in evaluating and analyzing the case for possible SIU.
ADDED REPORT FEATURES: RJN will include the following searches in our AOE/COE reports
- California Department of Motor Vehicles/Driver History Report
- EAMS Search (WCAB claims in California)
- Social Media (cursory search/not a deep dive)
- Civil/Criminal and any other search if relevant to the facts of the case
* RJN maintains full-service Social Media and Background Investigation departments
- Subrogation
- 132 A
- Alive and Well
- SIU Statements
- Serious and Willful Misconduct
- Typically, we complete assignments within 10 business days
- There is never a charge for RUSH assignments
RJN’s AOE/COE Services Include:
- Capable of performing live video statements through the Skype application platform under selected situations
- Digitally recorded interviews
- Affirmative defense strategies identified through analysis
- Medical release/medical history
- Personnel files and wage statements
- Scene and workplace photographs
- Photographs of MPN Postings/Where located and in what language
- Security video evidence
- Confirmation and ruling out of third-party exposure
- Fact-finding operations pertinent to the issue of apportionment
- Comprehensive reports
- Given the COVID-19 pandemic, we now have the technology to conduct virtual interviews in a secure and safe manner