The Special Investigative Unit of RJN Investigations, Inc. was recently notified by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office regarding the successful prosecution in the case of People of California vs. H. Donavan. In this case, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office filed felony insurance fraud charges against the claimant back in February 2019 upon receipt of a formal referral from the RJN SIU. The claimant was represented by the County’s Public Defender’s Office. Despite attending criminal hearings on over 40 separate dates, the claimant refused to enter negotiations for restitution. After prolonged negotiations, the claimant agreed to enter into a plea-bargaining agreement. As such, he entered a plea of two felony counts and one misdemeanor count. He was then sentenced to 120 hours of community service and ordered to pay back restitution in the amount of $16,730.23. In addition, he agreed to dismiss his workers’ compensation claim before the WCAB.
Formed in 1996, the RJN SIU Division was created to assist California employers, governmental agencies, insurance carriers and TPA firms in securing professional assistance so as to detect, investigate and prosecute insurance fraud. To date, the unit has trained well over 4,000 examiners and the documented referrals by this unit have resulted in over 225 convictions for workers’ compensation insurance fraud in California. In just the last 4 years, we have secured $ 1,527,166.02 in court ordered restitution on behalf of our valued clients.
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